I have
held my tongue
held my breath
held my heart
for way too long.

I just can't keep it in any longer
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you are offended by the occasional wirty dord, obscenity, or naked truth please put on your sunglasses.


I think you should all put on your sunglasses.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Blessings in Disguise

Pressing on toward The Bliss, I came upon the Valley of the “If Onlys…”.  While there, I realized I am still so profoundly angry at myself for not seeing what was so clear to everyone else – including perfect strangers.  I see what’s hidden from others and am blind to what’s obvious about myself.  Such is the way of The Gift of Insight.

I am still so profoundly angry at myself for being so naïve and trusting.  Even after All That, I’m STILL so naïve and trusting.  That pisses me off, too.

I am PROFOUNDLY ANGRY over how stubbornly I held onto my Core of Lies and refused to consider The Truth.

Immersed in anger, naturally my thoughts turn to Fiancé #3.  Be careful of the vibes you send out:  While I was mulling All That over (yet again), his long arm reached out from 2012 and clutched me by the throat (yet again).  That familiar sense of panic crept into my being and, in no time at all, I was Back There, a panicky whirling dervish.

How much longer?

How much longer will I pay for all of those decisions borne out of self-loathing?  I get it now; my Grand Canyon-sized confidence problem is shrinking.

What else?

What else don’t I know about?  Just when I think that door is sealed shut, I discover more antics for which I am responsible.  I accept my responsibility as a bitter lesson in not being so naïve and trusting.  But…how pervasive and never-ending are the consequences?  Will the mess never end?  When is That Fuck going to let go?

Which brings me to my point:  Gratitude for The Hardest Loss. 

THANK GOD I had that miscarriage. 

I watch people struggle to amicably co-exist with The Other Parent while not letting their issues spill over and affect the children.  I can’t imagine a more difficult, mind-, soul-, and heart-numbing battle.  It puts my own battles in perspective:  Thank God I don’t have a little mind, heart, and soul relying on me to grow and thrive her.  Thank God I don’t have to co-exist.  Thank God I have the luxury of working through it all without also being responsible for someone else who is completely reliant on me, of all people.

Thank God.

Thank God for it all. 

And so I press on:  I press on toward The Bliss, not so naïve to think The Mess is over, but trusting Life to reset it, if only I don’t succumb to The Panic. 


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Pressing On Toward The Bliss

Recently, my ego got twisted off and ripped all of the way out of my being.  In one fell swoop.  

The Ego is what gets in the way of most of Life’s Bliss:  It’s what causes those emotional reactions that alienate us from situations (and people) we love.

Considering that, I’m “happy.”


Ripping a Band-Aid off a recently cauterized wound hurts a LOT.  And the bleeding starts all over again.

In other words, the Abandoned Little Girl who lives inside me has been let out of her room and she is UN. HAPPY.  I *thought* we resolved our issues and yet here we are again, crying over the same hurts.  Really?

So, today, Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, I say (to myself), “Yes, really…again.” and I press on.  I press on toward the change and the re-birth and the transformation that The Resurrection promises (and delivers) every Spring. 

I press on, away from the muck and the mire, even though I’m still stuck deep in it.  I’ll eventually get out. 

I thought Lent was about giving up something beloved in order to achieve grace and mercy.  Oh, how wrong I was.  Lent is about giving something up:  It’s about giving up that something – whatever it is – that’s holding us back from experiencing the Bliss and the Joy of Spring, a.k.a., Life.  After all, when is Life more sweetly beautiful than those first heady days of May?

For Lent, I give up feeling bad about myself because of All That Crap That Happened.  It’s The Light flowing through me that attracted AND TRANSFORMED All. Of. That. Dark.

I give up feeling somehow exempt from the very happiness I keep telling other people they’ve earned and deserve.

I give up mourning what was and I press on toward celebrating what is and what is no longer, thank God.

I’m ready – for the first time – to enjoy the season of Lent.