I see people bearing the load of a year tremendously difficult and I feel many things.
First, I feel a bit sheepish as 2016 was not that bad for me. I mean, I didn’t get assaulted, robbed,
arrested, or put in jail, so I consider the year a “win.” My expectations might seem low, but after
enduring all those things over and over and over and over and over again, not enduring them is a Big
Victory. Finally clearing my name for
good is one of my finest achievements to date.
Second, I am a bit
worn down by Unfounded Accusations’ refusal to leave my vibration. I was totally blindsided and flummoxed by
some of the things I heard about myself this year. All so baseless. One pushed me to the brink of sanity, one
broke my heart, and one enraged me on a cellular level. All from a distance and all based on misinterpreted
The shrink in me says these peope wanted distance and I need
to let that be.
But…that one door that slammed shut…
I stood looking at it for months, not believing it closed. How could you, Life? HOW COULD YOU? After everything else You’ve thrown at me,
this, this is the hardest lesson:
Sometimes one has to walk away from something most dear for no good reason.
Despite that, 2016 brought more
highs than lows. Again, any year I don’t
get assaulted, robbed, arrested, or put in jail is a good one. And a year during which I finally triumph over
magnificent adversity is a stellar one.