Palholes are those people we sometimes have in our lives who masquerade as friends but are really assholes.
For example:
- The “buddy” who stays close with your ex after she eviscerated you and spent all of your money; or,
- The “caring” friend who picks at your deepest vulnerabilities until you explode and then, incredulous, asks, “Why are you yelling at me?”
Fear of dying alone.
Until one day, I realized: I have already died and I was alone and I lived to tell about it.
None of the palholes were there. It has taken a long time to realize this was a deep deep blessing.
When I die again, I will hasten the process if any one of my palholes is with me.
So: Time to let them go.
- Goodbye friends who congratulated me on my promotion by asking for money.
- Goodbye friends who invite me out and then tell me they will "get me next time” when the bill comes.
- Goodbye friends who will only piss on me after I provide a detailed explanation (with footnotes) of how I got set on fire in the first place. Does any of that really matter in the midst of conflagration?
- Goodbye friends who complain that my success makes them “look bad.”
- Goodbye friends who provide personal “kindnesses” with the expectation of professional gain.
I would rather this be a case of “opposites attract.”
Either way, it appears that some asshole reduction is in order, whether it be external or internal (I suspect a mixture of both is what’s required).
Be forewarned: That sucking sound you hear from The North is going to last a while.