I have
held my tongue
held my breath
held my heart
for way too long.

I just can't keep it in any longer
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you are offended by the occasional wirty dord, obscenity, or naked truth please put on your sunglasses.


I think you should all put on your sunglasses.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I understand that when our real and/or perceived “issues” materialize in our lives, we instinctively react with the fight or flight response.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could just cut off or out those parts of ourselves that we do not like? Without cost?

Some people run and hide. How does that work out, later?

Because of my own inability to accept my foibles, I have personally bled 85,672 gallons of blood out of my ass.

Meaning, I have learned the HARD WAY it’s always better to work with your Dark Side: Your inadequacies; shortcomings; weaknesses. Both real and perceived.


Not domination; not submission.


Working together, one can become stronger.

Meaning, all of the various parts of a person – the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful and the ludicrous – all of these parts must work together to create a whole person. A real person who is whole: The sum total of human experience, which is good, bad, ugly, beautiful and ludicrous, is present in one person. For that person to truly live, s/he must experience the sum total of all of those things…and be OK with it

When we shun or cut off people from our lives, what we are really shunning or cutting off is the part of ourselves those people represent to us.

Please note this does not apply to rude/impolite/dishonest/violent people. Those people should be shunned until they get over themselves.

I mean, really. There is enough actual BS in the world.

While I’m not saying you should invite your flatulent Aunt who drinks too much over for tea with your in-laws (although that would be a real experience), I *am* saying that it wouldn’t hurt to include her once in a while

Just like it will not hurt to buy those shoes or drink the whole bottle of wine or knock it out with a co-worker once in a while.

This is so much better than holding it all in and pretending we are pure virtue. We know what happens if that goes on long enough: We end up on Jerry Springer describing our arrest for holding up a convenience store while on a bender after our spouse left because s/he walked in on us performing fellatio with his/her best friend/sibling/cousin/parent.

I also think this would solve a lot of the problems created by politicians, but that’s a topic for a different blog.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful thought. Cooperation between the parts of self!! The problem for most people is accepting all those parts at the same time. It's often easier to see them as individual parts but difficult to see accept their existence at the same time.
    And then again, there are those of who expect perfection from ourselves even when we know it's a ridiculous expectation. :-)
