And so a troubled soul’s troubles escaped and too many innocent people paid the ultimate price.
Who knows?
I’ve spent a lifetime studying
just these types of situations in order to answer just these types of questions
and guess what? I have less of an answer
than I did when I began that journey in 1985.
I’ve gotten off that road, but
that’s not the point.
The point is: Chaos has always
been the order; nothing’s ever been “straight” (as if any of us can agree to what
“straight” means in the first place.)
Any time there are two (or more) living
things occupying the same physical space, there’s going to be friction. Even identical twins are not 100% EXACTLY the
same. Even partners are not in complete
alignment 100% of the time. Nothing in physical
reality is. Nothing that lives,
breathes, dies, consumes, and eliminates can be; it’s physically impossible. An organic thing is inherently flawed: For every thing that’s thriving, some thing’s
dying. It’s an intractable Law of
(physical) Nature.
It’s balance.
To answer the Willfully Crabby, my
faith is where it’s always been: In
something greater than myself.
Something greater than my family
or my friends or even words themselves.
My faith is in Love.
Not the kind of love that thrives
when you’re appreciating me or when it’s sunny or when it’s raining.
My faith is in the kind of Love
that thrives PERIOD.
No matter what.
No matter what the circumstances, this kind of Love flows during the good and
during the bad and during everything in between. This kind of Love understands the physical
reality that nothing NOTHING is 100% pure crap (or wrong or evil or bad or
negative or immoral or whatever word upsets you the least) 100% of the time.
Just like nothing NOTHING is 100%
pure bliss (or right or good or positive or moral or whatever word upsets you
the least) 100% of the time.
It all just IS.
Granted, some moments are worse
than others.
But they’re just that: Moments.
Moments we can re-live or treasure
or move the hell away from as quickly as possible and not look ever
In other words, my faith isn’t in
humanity: It’s in something greater than
me and you and them and all of us put together.
I call that something greater “God,” but please PLEASE do not get hung up on my
word choice. It’s that very
oversensitivity that’s the very root of the problem: Stop trying to control other people when you
yourself are so obviously out of control.
As am I.
As are all of us.
As is everything.
The Mystery is in control.
We are not.
The answer is not more control;
it’s more Love.
More positive vibrations. More aligning
oneself with the “bright side.” I’m not
promoting a Pollyanna-ish denial of the dark side; I’m saying don’t look at it
so long you blind yourself. YOU ARE
toward something else. Something bright
that’ll restore your clarity.
It takes Strength
to look above negativity and not react in kind. It takes Strength, not to turn
the other cheek toward more abuse, but to turn
the other cheek toward understanding the other side; i.e., Compassion.
Granted, sometimes this turning
toward compassion has to happen from a distance.
The world is out of control.
It always has been.
The way to keep moving in a whirling
dervish is to make the “illogical” move:
Keep dancing in ecstatic
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