I have
held my tongue
held my breath
held my heart
for way too long.

I just can't keep it in any longer
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you are offended by the occasional wirty dord, obscenity, or naked truth please put on your sunglasses.


I think you should all put on your sunglasses.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Monday, March 9, 2015


How much worse can it get?

Halfway through Lent, pressing on toward The Light despite the darkness that keeps threatening to envelope me, I pause to reflect on my progress.

On the one hand, I wonder what in the HELL I was thinking when I decided to finally open my heart’s Pandora’s Box and resolve my issues.  There is no way I could’ve imagined what I’d find there.  I am so unprepared for the fallout:  Becoming dead inside rather than endure one more heart-numbing disclosure or realization or truth or circumstance seems like my only option.

On the other hand, experience tells me there is something wonderful waiting for me at the end of all this if only if I just keep moving.  My innate tendency is to stagnate in the worst of places – believing that’s what I deserve -- and, by God, I am NOT going to do that anymore.  I’m halfway out of The Vagina of Crap and I will NOT be strangled by my own vagina (or crap).

All of that double-talk I grew up with (“You’re only pretty when you’re sleeping.”  “I love you but I really don’t like you.”  “You may be smart but you are impossible to live with.” “No one will ever love you the way I do.”) is so so ingrained I despair over ever being able to re-program my brain.

I am DETERMINED not to run an outdated program that wasn’t intended to be loaded in the first place.  Re-programming my heart, however…that’s an entirely different story.  It never entered my mind that I would get push back from people I once considered Beloveds.  NO ONE is going to emotionally manipulate me; I don’t care WHO pulls the strings.  And yet my strings keep getting pulled and I am weak from cutting them.  I feel like a newborn fawn trying standing up for the first time.

I may very well be “difficult.”  However, I will NOT dim my emerging light because someone else gets blinded by his or her own rage, anger, insecurity, and/or jealousy.  I’ve got my own to burn off.



  1. Maureen, I think I've been on the same kind of path you're traveling. What I know from my own journey is this: It's not like the kind of journey one takes with a map, in which you start at point A and end at point B. It's more like walking a labyrinth, which means you walk past the same scenery over and over again. That can really suck--but the good news is that each time you pass the setting for some nightmare, you are getting closer to the center of things. And to peace. Keep moving. The only way past is through, and all that. Sending love to you--

  2. Oh gosh, Rita...thank you so SO much for your words; I appreciate them very much. I was seeing a labyrinth in my mind as I writing. Thank you for helping me to feel like I *am* on track, despite the swirling activity that seems to get me nowhere. Much love and blessings to you!
