I have
held my tongue
held my breath
held my heart
for way too long.

I just can't keep it in any longer
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you are offended by the occasional wirty dord, obscenity, or naked truth please put on your sunglasses.


I think you should all put on your sunglasses.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today, January 6, is the Feast of the Epiphany and, technically, the last day of Christmas (if you count 12 days starting with December 24, you will arrive on January 6).

The Epiphany is when the Wise Men visited the baby Jesus and recognized Him as the Son of God.  So the Feast of the Epiphany celebrates illumination.

I always want illumination; I want to know WHY things are the way they are and WHY they go down the way they do. 

The problem with illumination is, once you see something, you can't un-see what you have just seen.  You can't un-know what has just been burned into your brain.  You can't barf back up the red pill, although wouldn't this be wonderful. 

This is exactly why Oedipus blinded himself.

1 comment:

  1. Carolyn Myss says, forget about "why"

    I don't necessarily agree with that!
